In this post, we’re going to talk about a very important issue for the financial health of your clinic: cash flow control. The lack of efficient control can lead to serious problems, such as the inability to pay bills on time, a lack of resources to invest in new equipment and facilities, and even the bankruptcy of the clinic. That’s why we’ve prepared five valuable tips to help you control your clinic’s cash flow. Let’s go?
1. Record all income and expenditure: It is essential that you have an accurate record of all the financial movements of the clinic, from income to expenses.
2. Analyze your fixed and variable costs: It’s important to know what the clinic spends every month, such as rent, energy, water, internet, among others. You also need to keep an eye on variable costs, such as purchasing materials, paying employees and so on.
Conheça a plataforma ERP/CRM que está a impulsionar o crescimento das clínicas e consultórios médicos.
CLIQUE PARA EXPERIMENTAR POR 15 DIAS GRATUITAMENTE E SEM CARTÃO DE CRÉDITO3. Use a financial management system: The use of financial management software, such as DoliClinic, can help a lot in controlling cash flow, as it allows you to record financial transactions in an automated way and generate accurate reports on the clinic’s financial situation.
4. Make income and expenditure projections: By recording all financial transactions, you can make income and expenditure projections for the coming months. This way, you can plan better and avoid unpleasant surprises.
5. Look for financing alternatives: In times of financial crisis, it may be necessary to look for financing alternatives for the clinic, such as loans and financing. However, it is necessary to evaluate the conditions offered and check that the clinic will be able to pay the installments.
Remember, the lack of efficient cash flow control can lead to many problems for your clinic. But with these tips and the use of the DoliClinic platform, you can have more security and control over your business’s finances.
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